Celtic GlorySpiritual

St Seriol

St Seriol

St Seiriol is venerated in the Anglican Communion, Roman Catholic church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.

He was an Early 6th Century Saint who lived for a while on Penmon, North West Anglesey where he had a cell. He is thought to have been the son of a king.

St Seiriol later moved to what is now called Puffin Island (Ynys Seiriol) and founded a monastery there.

The small square, walled  enclosure is clearly signposted from  the small Priory carpark and is accessed along a short path which passes by a pond thought to have been the fish pond for the later-built Augustinian Priory. (1123)

Inside  there is a Holy Well and the circular remains of what is thought to be St Seiriol’s Hermit Cell. The small chamber, where the well is is situated is beneath a rocky outcrop and there are niches within where crosses, Icons and other religious items are left by visitors. There are also stone seats where one can sit. St Seiriol’s Well was and apparently still is, used for baptisms. The water is also thought to have healing properties. Part of the enclosed well structure was fortified in the 1700s

Immediately upon entering the walled enclosure we both felt, not so much an Absence of Noise, but the Presence of Peace. All was beautifully calm and tranquil. A perfect place for contemplation.

In 1123 the old wooden church was rebuilt and an Augustinian Priory erected. There are a few accessible ruins of the priory and the church is still used for regular Anglican services.

Other treasures can be found inside the church. Two Celtic Crosses have been moved there to help protect against erosion and damage. They are beautiful examples. Amazing to think that they are 1000 years old and predated the Viking Invasion.

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Contributed by Sally Farrell

St seriol
