Celtic GlorySpiritual

Llandaff Cathedral

Llandaff Cathedral, Cardiff, Wales

Llandaff Cathedral, in Cardiff, Wales, is a stunning building, having many different adaptations over the centuries but forming an imposing and breathtaking site today. It was bombed during the second world war, leading to more changes and the beautiful sculpture of Christ hanging centrally in the church, looking out to the world with his hands outstretched to welcome everyone in.

Traditionally it is agreed the church was founded by the early Celtic Christian, Dyfrig, also known as Dubricious, in 500AD and he is cited as the first bishop. There has been continual worship on this site ever since. Hagiography has a legend that the site was actually started as early as 200AD and is possibly the very first Christian church in the British Isles, but this is disputed.

St Teilo and St Oudoceus are also associated with the cathedral's establishing.

Llandaff cathedral

Dubricious is known to have travelled throughout Wales, over to Exmoor and Cornwall and beyond. He commissioned Illtud to found the famous monastery at Llantwit Major and was contemporary with other well known names in the Celtic Christian world. He was buried on Bardsey Island but his remains returned to the cathedral by Urban. 

Llandaff dubricious

The Book of Llandaff is an historical document giving us many details about the very early monastic and church settlements in Wales. It is housed in the Museum of Wales and can be viewed online.  It was compiled between 1120-1140. 

My visit to Llandaff was an extraordinary experience, intensely personal and intimate but I will share a little here.

My husband and I arrived at the church early morning on a Saturday in September. Eucharist had taken place at 8am, so the cathedral was open and we entered around 9am. It was completely empty of people and the moment I walked through the tiny door, I was literally overcome by the presence of God. I started weeping and shaking, so strong was His presence. I was glad nobody else was around! The only other time something like this has happened was when I visited Julian of Norwich's prayer cell. That time, within 30 seconds of entering, I was overcome by the fear of God and on my knees repenting in tears. Here, at Llandaff, there was an equally strong awesome presence of holiness.

We moved into the cathedral and sought out a quiet side chapel to sit and pray. When there I encountered God intimately in a way I haven't for years. He came so close and spoke so lovingly but it's not for sharing here. However, I also saw a vision of a beautiful and startling angel, positioned inside the door, exactly where I'd been overcome by God's presence. He was about 20feet tall, clothed in warrior apparel with a sword in his right hand the tip on the ground. He faced the door and was a deep red all over. I could tell he was on duty and a guardian of the cathedral.

We spent a long time praying in the cathedral, despite the coming and going of other people as time went on. It was profound, holy and one of the few places where the church was thick with God's presence. He is honoured there highly and there heritage and prayers of Christians who have gone before have soaked the very site. I can't wait to return. This is one of the 'thinnest' places I've every visited, a very portal into the heavens. I hope it will encourage you to visit and seek God here too.

I am so grateful for the hundreds of people who have worshipped and prayed on this site, stewarded well the presence of God and who continue to point us to Jesus. Thank you. 

Llandaff interior
