Culbone Chapel, Exmoor 2025
Culbone church 12/2/25
I settle to pray and start singing
‘Here I am waiting in this place for you’
Suddenly, unexpectedly, I hear Jesus singing back to me in a deeper male voice. It takes me by surprise. I’ve never experienced this before and it moves me deeply.
‘Here I am waiting in this place for you’
Before we left home for Exmoor, I was in church and during the service, he told me he would be here in the chapel at Culbone, waiting for me. I wasn’t sure I could manage the steep walk in any longer but because He said He was waiting for me, I wanted to get there. (I know God is omnipresent and I can meet with Him anywhere but for me there are still special places where I seem to engage with him in a deeper way. This felt like a personal invitation).
I continue,
‘Here I am coming to this place to meet with you
Here I am, heart wide open, spirit singing,
Longing Jesus only for you
To be with you
In the quiet of this place
In the solitude of silence
I wait
In expectation
That you have called me here
Once again’
He continues,
‘Come my beloved one
Come dance the dance of love
That’s in my heart
In my heart
Come my beloved one
Come dance within my heart of love for you
Such love for you’
I respond,
‘I’ve been waiting for our hearts to meet in the intimacy I have rarely tasted yet
Enough to make me long for more of you and
Know you care beyond all human love
So here I am
Running to be with you
Running to your open arms
Your open heart
The sanctuary of who you are and
Who I am created to be in you
My heart exploding with love for you, my Jesus’
Jesus replies,
‘I’ve been waiting for you through eternity’ (I see a vision of Jesus in a silken robe the dark colours of blue night, dancing through the universe joyfully singing). He has been imagining me for eternity and waiting for me to live now. There’s such joy in his heart….for me. (And I know instinctively, for every person he feels this love and joy. He feels it for you).
Jesus continues,
‘For such is the day when you were meant to be
Here alone with me
You and me
You heard my call, and you came.’
What a privilege, that the Lord of the universe longs for private, intimate, alone time with each one of us. We are that special to him! There was no other apparent purpose other than love, to spend uninterrupted time with one we love.
I’m aware this may be one of my last times in Culbone. It was a costly act of obedience to go today. The walk in is getting harder and harder for me. My body struggles through pain and infirmity. I can’t imagine not coming back and meeting him here, even though we share wonderfully intimate times regularly. Here is special. Away from everything in this busy cacophonous, clamouring world. It is a real sanctuary and one I’ve had the privilege of visiting for over thirty years now.
So, I bare my heart to GOD, kneeling before the altar, tears streaming, pouring out my sin, confusion, insecurities and struggles, as well as offering up my love, my obedience, my surrendered life.
I know he is listening. I know he is here with me. And that is all my soul needs. I leave refreshed….yet longing for more of him in the intimate space.