Celtic GlorySpiritual

Beuno, Introduction

Beuno and Culbone Chapel, Exmoor, Introduction

I first experienced Culbone in the mid-1990s. I fell in love with the seclusion and peace of the chapel in its mystical setting and have been drawn back many times over the intervening years.

During a difficult season in my life, I ended up living for a few weeks above Culbone Combe with access down across the meadows to the chapel. I walked the fields and through the steep woods to pray, weep and seek God daily in the chapel, crying out for his help, his healing, his solace.

I want to share some of the spiritual encounters I had during this time. I believe that in these thin spiritual places God will speak and reveal Himself to any who genuinely want to seek Him. So, I’m sharing to whet your appetite, to make you hungry to seek Him in these set aside places where others have prepared the land and the realm of the Spirit. Yes, they are primarily relevant to me, however, God won’t meet you in the way He meets me, but He will meet you. Of that I’m sure, because He’s a rewarder of those who with faith, diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6) and He draws close to those who draw close to Him. (James 4:8)
