Celtic GlorySpiritual

Glory Bowl

Bowl Full of Glory

July 2013

I’m praying and asking God whether we visit the outpouring that is happening in Cwmbran Wales. As is often the way, God answers something I’m not asking. Instead, I see a vision of Brecon Cathedral and an angel holding a golden bowl full of molten glory. He is waiting there for me to bring it back to Cornwall. I am undone and start to weep and weep.

I hear the words, ‘This is none other than the house of God and this is the Gate of Heaven’.

We go to Cwmbran and on to Brecon. When I go to the cathedral the angel is there, waiting for me, with the bowl of molten glory.  I see it is much bigger than I realised.  A smaller angel has been filling it up from a supply the Brecon healing angel guards and the angel who is waiting, hands it to me.

I know it’s a deposit from the glory well which sparked the ancient Celtic flame of revival, and like the angel, I’m to guard it well. This gold is linked to the release of the fountain of gold in Cornwall I’ve seen erupting in mid Cornwall.   

It is all pointing to a move of God’s Holy Spirit in these places.
