Celtic GlorySpiritual


Ancient Well: Hephzibah

Ancient Well: Hephzibah, Cornwall

Whilst seeking God, I heard Him speaking the following:

‘You have been asking me to re-open the ancient wells expecting it to be a healing well and it will be.  But there is more, a deep volcanic well of my power which needs unplugging.  I decreed that this place should have significance in the Spirit and in the land.

I want to release power from on high, power like a jet stream but from heaven to earth directly.  This power will manifest with miracles but also with the fear of the Lord.  I am restoring the fear of the Lord to my people without it they become complacent, compliant to the ways of the world and absorb what I would reject.

The next wave, the next move I am releasing in this place is the fear of the Lord and with it will come fire and power.  This will be a joy to those who walk closely with me and they will travel far and wide to receive this holy fire but to those walking in darkness in secret sin, in hatred of me, I will to them be a great terror and they will quake and tremble before my holiness.

Recognise the shift in the season. Purify yourselves and get ready because when I blow on the embers the fire will shoot up instantly.'

24 July 2013
